An ever growing archive on childhood, play and playfulness
Le Grand En Jeu – Vademecum Ludorum is a printed archive of my theoretical research on play and childhood. The printed material contained in the book comes from my “personal” online library which I’ve put together over the last two years. The book intends to capture the state of my research at one point in time, and in one possible articulation. This work was produced as part of a workshop on photobooks organized by the University of Bergen in collaboration with the Los Angeles Contemporary Archive. The complete version is available on LACA’s website. It is a 265 pages, coil bound, A5 book, printed on a xerox machine. The content is written in French and English.
The documentation is organized in a such a way as to address certain common ideas and alleged contradictions between notions such as childhood, learning, education, intelligence, work and play. This research – whether in its digital or printed format – is an attempt to gather alternative views and shift the commonly understood relationships between these topics.