Auguste ou Pierrot ?

Towards a better acceptance of failures

Auguste ou Pierrot? questions the acceptance of failure, within education’s right-or-wrong paradigm. In French circus, the Auguste or ‘‘white clown’’, is traditionally dignified while the ‘‘red-nosed clown’’, the Pierrot, is grotesque. The reference to this duo, which separates seriousness and lightness, draws on Winnicott’s True– vs. False-self theory, stating that an early over-attunement to authority can lead to self-dissociation and hinder the ability to live authentically.

Claire Ebendinger
‘Auguste ou Pierrot?’ Burg2 Galerie, Halle, DE, 2022
Claire Ebendinger
‘Auguste ou Pierrot?’, 2021, Glass juggling set, variable dimensions
Claire Ebendinger
‘Auguste ou Pierrot?’, 2021, Glass juggling set, variable dimensions
Claire Ebendinger
‘Auguste ou Pierrot?’, 2021, Glass juggling set, variable dimensions
Claire Ebendinger
‘Auguste ou Pierrot?’, 2021, Glass juggling set, variable dimensions
‘Auguste ou Pierrot?’ studio view